Dry and cold today with a fairly calm sea. There is much talk of snowy weather working its way up from the south. According to the Met Office page it will be raining by 5.00 and snowing by 7.00.
This morning I could see a sprinkling of snow in Snowdonia but it wasn't until I zoomed in with the camera that I saw a snow covered peak further north.
This morning I put out the recycling bags, three of them this time! in the hope that they would be collected. And sure enough they came for the bags and the bottles. In fact I was talking to some people I know at the garden gate when the lorry went by and we gave them a wave and thumbs up in appreciation for their work. We are very fortunate to live in a country where our rubbish is taken care of one way or another though of course we all need to take responsibility for reducing the amount of waste we produce. (Ethical practice announcement over.) I know that I look at documentaries of countries where rubbish disposal is much more up to the individual and think how dreadful it is to have streets, countryside and beaches strewn with rubbish without appreciating the difficulty of dealing with all that waste. Just think how horrible a layby gets when there are no bins and people 'can't be bothered' to take away their own rubbish.
Love the seagull's expression.
I'm keeping up our Christmas decorations until tomorrow which ties in well with 12th Night and the natural end of the Christmas and New Year's holiday but since the forecast is for rain tomorrow I took down the outdoor driftwood tree today. The poor thing had taken a real battering in the storms and if it hadn't been supported by ropes it would have been on the floor. The central metal rod had broken in two places and was only held together by the plastic covering. I'll keep an eye open at Pete, the local scrap man's yard when I walk past to see if he has something stronger than the garden stake I used.
I needed to go and see if the shop had any oat bran in stock (they did) so of course had a stroll along the beach. There was a lot of driftwood on the beach including a few tree trunks. For scale the stones around the one above were the size of bread loaves. There was a certain amount of plastic rubbish mixed in with the wood and seaweed so I may have a litter picking session soon. If I ever see any of the fine plastic net I'll always pick that up and put it in the bin but the rest can wait for plastic gloves and the long handled litter picker. I did take a bottle to the bin and then realised I could be giving entirely the wrong impression as I stumbled my way over the shingle with a wine bottle in my hand.