Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025


We've had some sun today. Not a lot but it made a nice change from all that rain.
In the morning I drove down to the zoo and spent three hours, minus coat, weeding a planted area by the entrance. It gets overrun with bamboo and while I was able to pull some up for the rest I just chopped it off as low down as possible. I know it will grow back but that was the best I could do. There's a wooden planter in one corner (about 2ft square) into which had grown couch grass and yet more bamboo. I spent most of my time digging out as many roots as I could and again gave up and chopped the remaining bamboo. Next time I'm going to remove all the soil and take out the bamboo before replacing the soil after which I'll find something from home to plant in it. Maybe pheasant grass and some ground cover sedum. The wooden sides of the planter aren't going to last much longer so it isn't worth the zoo buying something to put in it.
Once I'd finished there was enough sun left  to make Mr. P.'s feathers shine. The shed wall behind always needs mending as the two Welsh Mountain goats who live in that enclosure spend a lot of time battering the shelter walls with their enormous horns.

Zeus enjoying a snooze in the sun.
As were the headless guinea fowl.
Back home I did a little work in the front garden before turning out everything from the big hall cupboard. This keeps all our coats out of sight, has a shelf on which are all the tubs of gloves, hats etc and space below for boots and shopping bags. There was a little mould in one corner to be bleached off and for the rest it was just a general wipe over. We seem to have a lot of coats so maybe a few can go to the charity shop.

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