Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

White Roads.

We woke to yet more white but this time it was hail that had frozen hard over the roads and our terrace. The few cars that were around left no tracks on the sparkling roads. It was only later after some rain that the hail began to disappear only to be replenished by another hail shower that happened while were doing our Welsh lesson. I've since been out, cleared the hail and put a cover over the windscreen in case it is freezing again tomorrow.

The morning was nice and sunny but the roads stayed white right up until the afternoon. Most of the drivers going down our road drove very slowly (but not all) which was sensible in view of the fact that if they lost control they might well end up over the cliff. There were plenty of pictures on FB of snowy/icy roads in the area including the main A road inland and of cars that had slid off the roads.
We had our Welsh class in the middle of the day and around that I've carried on with the kitchen cupboard cleaning. It's not possible to do too much at once because I run out of counter space to put everything that I empty out of the cupboards on. The base cupboards can store a lot of stuff but they are also a nuisance in that it's hard to reach everything. Especially the corner cupboard. It would have been more practical to have one of those cupboards as drawers but that would have spoiled the symmetry of the doors on that side of the kitchen. Because the stuff tucked away in the corner of the corner cupboard is not used often most of that has needed a wash. Once I've finished this I shall put away the last pots and pans etc and then that's all the base cupboards done.
In between rain and hail showers I walked (carefully) down to the shop for milk, throat sweets and a lemon as I've got a bit of a scratchy throat and we needed milk for tomorrow's porridge.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Snow I don't mind but ice is a different matter.