Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 28 July 2024

A Walk from Goginan.

Here at the coast it was sunny all day and while it was a lot cloudier inland it was still a very warm day.
This week's walk started at Goginan, a small village 7 miles from Aber on the main road that leads out over the mountains. We began by walking through a hayfield where the farmer was driving his tractor and turning the cut grass to dry in the sun while above red kites called incessantly.
After passing some plump black sheep we turned onto a track running above a meadow in which lives a small herd of Shetland ponies. The stallion was a very handsome fellow and came trotting up the hill as soon as I called him. I suspect he may be used to getting treats from passing walkers since he greeted us all in turn before going back empty handed (hoofed?) to the rest of the ponies. (I had vetoed anyone giving him a treat.)

Below us in the meadow was the sweetest of fluffy foals along with a youngster and a couple of mares.
We walked alongside a tiny stream which has the grand name of Afon Melindwr (Watermill River). This stream eventually runs into the Afon Rheidol which does at least look like a river.
We climbed up the side of the valley through a lush meadow where we stopped to eat our lunch and enjoy the views. Across the valley we could see Goginan which sits on the main road leading inland.
Eventually we crossed back over the stream,
before turning back to walk through the woods on the other side of the valley. We ended our walk at the home of one of our group sitting in her garden drinking tea and eating the lemon drizzle cake which she had made that morning. She moved there less than a year ago and has been reclaiming the totally overgrown garden which is packed full of mature Japanese acers some of which were 20ft high or more.
I gave one of our group a lift home and after returning home much later than usual, something to do with tea and cake I did a bit more work on the carnival stuff. In the morning I used the stencil and black spray paint to create a venetian skyline a la Banksy which looks very effective and painted one side of the stern pieces which then got a second coat this evening. 

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