Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 5 July 2024


Above is close to how my brain saw the sunset last night while below is how my camera saw the same sunset. I think the camera wins on artistic/dramatic merit though maybe not on accuracy.
I woke this morning to find that as predicted we will have a change of government, at last. Our neighbour failed to win back his seat from the Plaid (Welsh Nationalist Party) MP. Even though Plaid has some extreme aims most people I spoke to said that Ben Lake had been doing a good job over the last four years. I'm afraid that the Liberal party shot themselves in the foot losing the popular vote when they went into coalition with the Conservatives.
And today it has been sunny and warm. While I was in town it felt like a summer's day. Wait, this is supposed to be summer. Unfortunately the forecast for the weekend is not good. Such a shame when Vytas and Sally are coming to visit. They won't be arriving until very late tonight as Sally was held up by a crisis at work. Something to do with the number plate being stolen from a contractor's vehicle.
I had my own crisis earlier on. Having bought everything to make a cheesecake for tomorrow when I started making it I discovered I had bought low-fat soft cheese instead of cream cheese. It was in the same place on the shelf, looked the same and I had no idea they made a low-fat version. This cheese is much softer. I didn't think it would set and I would have to concoct some sort of trifle type dessert. I add gelatine normally so I used an extra sheet to help it set. It still felt very runny so after I filled the spring form cake tin I put it in a deep baking dish in case it began seeping out at the bottom. But I'm glad to say that it hasn't.  I also baked my usual chocolate and peanut butter cookies.
There were only three of us riding this morning which was quite nice. I had Margaret so even though we carried on working on leg yielding away from the wall and back again, which is harder than starting parallel to the wall then moving towards the wall and back out again, there were different challenges to overcome. Also we did a lot more in sitting trot. 
I won't be blogging tomorrow as I shall be spending precious time with family. Fingers crossed that it doesn't rain at least.

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