Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

A Zoo Day.

Two photos from last night showing a brief but lovely sunset and the clouds that had been over us for most of the day.
The morning was grey and windy. With the northerly wind blowing straight into the RNLI shop Peter made sure he was warmly dressed for his stint in the shop while I wore my yellow workman's coat over a fleece to do my weeding at the zoo. Eventually I warmed up enough to take the coat off, it got cold and there were some spots of rain so the coat went back on. Three hours later I was walking round taking photos minus coat and fleece. 
At the zoo all the weeds had grown like mad so I wasn't sure where to start. In the end I cleared a number of narrow strips by the cages, half of one of the gravel areas and removed a lot of bindweed from some fuchsias and roses alongside an empty cage. That included digging under the matting to unearth those nasty roots. That was as much as I could do in three hours which was long enough for my back.
There were a lot of people at the zoo today, mainly families with younger children as it's still a few weeks to the school holidays.
Honey demonstrating that well known saying "There's now't so happy as a pig in muck."
When I came home I sat outside enjoying the garden and then reading for a while.  
After which I completed putting up the wooden swallows in our bedroom. I had thought that sticky gel tape would be the solution but that didn't stick to the wood at all so I went back to the plan of using white Blu-Tak. So far it seems to be working.


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