Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Company In The Garden.

Broadband is being plodband today. Due to constant down loading by the boys we think that BT has put a 'choke' on our broadband and currently our upload speed is more than the download speed. It took 5 mins to get this one picture !
I spent the morning doing housework and getting all my planning done for the week. In theory I shouldn't have anything to do at home until Wednesday when I'll start the planning for next week after my PPA afternoon with Chris. From this week I get 3 mornings off as well . I could do with the time at home to get things done. Peter has taken a week's holiday to spend revising for an OU exam the following Monday. After that I think that's it until February.
Just as I headed out to the garden the rain started falling but it cleared eventually and I've managed to complete a weeding job that Romas and I started. Grass and disgusting bindweed were growing in a bed of garden lilies so the whole lot had to be dug up and sorted out. As the lilies have been sitting in buckets for over a week I thought I better get on and clear the soil so they could be replanted. Now all I need to do is dig up the rest of the bed and thin and tidy the ornamental grasses in it. While I was sat on the ground grubbing away a cheeky robin sat in a tree about 10ft away. This often happens if I'm digging in the garden. I tried to tempt him down with a few juicy worms placed on top of the soil, (sorry worms), but he wouldn't come closer.
Yesterday afternoon while I was sitting at the pc I glanced out of the window to see a deer crossing the corner of the garden. It disappeared up the heavily wooded stream before I could get a picture. I wonder if it was the same one that was in the garden before.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Terrific picture of the Robin. Your garden work is never ending!