Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

A Lovely Evening.

It was such a lovely evening that I had to stop on my way down the drive to take some pictures of the golden sun over the autumn landscape. Although Chris and I had been planning in the afternoon I had walked across the playground and it was beautifully warm. Very few of the children were wearing jumpers and in the staffroom we had to draw the curtains to stop the sun burning the backs of our necks. Wonderful. Conversation overheard yesterday as I was on noise patrol outside the boys' toilets. ' I can't fly ...... because my wings are broken.' Strange what goes through the minds of small children.

Once again I've managed to sort out and print all my planning for next week including the daily sheets. I feel so much more relaxed when that job is done. Mind you next week not only will we be doing the next week's planning, (for after half term) but we also have to do the over view for the next half-term up till Christmas.


happyone said...

Such pretty pictures.
We had a cold rainy day.

Sarah Lee said...

Looks like you're having some beautiful seasonal weather. It's been very cold, wet and windy here. Love your photographs, so beautiful.
We have a busy term here too, with the Kindi Fair and School Fair - and of course all the build up to Christmas, but lots of fun too.

Domestic Executive said...

Yikes, the mere mention of Christmas makes me quiver. Isn't it just last week? Where does the time go.....