Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 3 May 2016


There were some clouds around in the morning but I took a chance and made an early start on  the washing. Once I hung them out the wind was making the sheets snap and by lunchtime they were almost dry. By that time there were some dark grey clouds around so I brought the washing in before going to work. Needless to say not a drop of rain fell.
My morning job, once I had rung the estate agent with the go-ahead for putting the house on the market, was to mix up some mortar and disguise the electric cable in the wall. Once it has dried it should be hardly noticeable. 
At school I took the reception children out for some PE. As it was a lovely sunny afternoon the Year 1 children had their sports' lesson out on the field and the other reception class were also out doing PE. I'm supposed to be doing PE based on the scheme we had the training on but as I haven't been given the books to look at yet I based the lesson on passing quoits (little rings) around the circle then rolling them to a partner. One thing I did take from the training day was to introduce ways to make each activity a bit more challenging then letting the children decide if they think they are ready to move to the more challenging version which I've been calling Level 2 as lots of the children play computer games and are familiar with the idea of harder levels.
After school I walked into town with 2 enormous bags of Christmas decorations which I donated to a charity shop. Then I took some books back to the library. I've still got half of the last of my Game of Thrones books to read but sadly I discovered on the weekend from the youngsters who are also GOT aficionados, that the rest of the story has yet to be written. I picked up some light reading to keep me going until next my next library visit.
 Details of the apple trees.

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