Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday, 16 March 2018

All Clear.

I spoke to my GP on the phone this morning and although I have atrial and ventricular ectopic (extra) beats they are nothing to be concerned about. The funny thing is that it feels like a beat is being skipped. When the surgery left a message to phone them on Monday it got me worried but when they arranged a phone consultation for today I knew it was nothing serious. My GP said unless they were bothering me (in which case I could take beta blockers) to continue as normal. Dr Google said much the same thing though as they could be an indicator of heart disease next time I see my GP I might see if having a yearly heart check would be advisable. 
While Peter went out to buy the drill bit I baked some chocolate chunk cookies. As I had a bag of desiccated coconut I added a generous portion to half of the biscuit mixture and the resulting chocolate and coconut cookies turned out well.
I couldn't believe the size of our new big drill which Peter got last week to replace the old heavy duty drill which had stopped working after 25 years of use. I did try and use the big drill but didn't do very well so Peter took over once I'd made the guide holes with the ordinary drill. Later, between showers, I trimmed the ends of the planks some of which had rotted where they were against a flower bed. I'd found a roll of lead flashing in the old shed which I cut along the length to use to keep the soil away from the wood. My last outside task was to paint the holes and the ends of the decking with the stain and treatment. 
The day had started bright and sunny but later we had rain and hail showers. There is a yellow warning for snow from tomorrow which just reaches us (red arrow). No worries about being cold now. I spent the end of the afternoon trying to learn song words and watching curtains of heavy rain falling over the sea. 

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Oh that is good news about your heart. I'd had been wondering how you made out with the monitor.
That is a big drill and I suppose pretty heavy too.
Right on the edge of the snow line like that maybe you won't get any.
We for once had a sunny day. : )