Filling in time before our Zoom class I began sorting through some of the tubs on the shelves next to my pc. Superficially they looked tidy but an examination of the contents would have revealed my tendency to throw things into the tubs to get them out of the way. I got a lot sorted and found a number of 'missing' items. I'll be doing a whole house spring clean in January but I might as well do my study now before Vytas and Sally come to stay.
I was all set for the class, had done my homework and some preparation for class, signed in and then ......... my camera wouldn't work. I had sound but no picture. I did the usual things like taking out and plugging the cable back in but that didn't work, nor did trying an alternative web cam. Peter came in and tried a few things but in the end I had to do the whole class with sound only. Peter will have to look at it properly some time in the week.
The storm continues so I'll be driving down to aerobics. It's the last aerobics class and I believe we'll be having prosecco/nozecco and treats at some point. As the hot glue gun proved a failure at sticking the crystals on the plastic areas of my trainers I took off all the crystals that were about to fall off and stuck them on again using the builders' superglue which seems to work better.
Some nice useful and pretty things on your wish list.
Storm Darragh certainly made its presence felt when Tam drove home today. It was just a bit windy and rainy here but up in the mountains -oh goodness, it was bad, and she couldn't see where she was going. She tried the Devil's Bridge road but couldn't see if the road ahead was wet or flooded
and had to turn back to the main road again. I can see me unable to do the Fair on Saturday now . . .
I have a thing for notebooks. These are really nice.
It looks like everyone is being told to stay home and a lot of events are being cancelled or postponed. Better to be safe than caught in a flood or hit by flying debris.
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