Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Grey On Grey.

Nothing but a grey sky above a grey sea today with frequent spells of rain. The perfect day for a pot of hearty soup; carrots, potatoes, lentils, onions, tomatoes and smoked sausage which is simmering nicely on the stove. Hmm, I do more cooking than I give myself credit for.
It was a good day for doing stuff indoors. I began collating my daily notes (I'm a record keeping nerd), so that I could write up Christmas/ Winter in my journal but then realised I need to wait until the end of February to do that. At least I'm all up to date. 
Then I got on with spring cleaning my study. There's not that much to do in here but what needed attention were the shelves above my pc. These hold lots of small things that are 'precious' to me. LOTR memorabilia of course and then things that hold memories. (I took the photos to make the job of putting everything back easier.) Some go right back to my early childhood, I think the two wooden figures were made by friends of my mother and I know I've had them for well over 60 years. The small lead toys came from charity shops when I was around 6 years old. Many years later I painted the horse with the same markings as my horse Meg. Other items also hold memories. I got the pink dragon eraser  when I was in 6th form and later Peter made me a vinyl sticker of the dragon which is still on one of my folders. The keyrings are just a guilty pleasure.

My partially successful attempt to montage the shelf photos. Bother, they are side by side in the draft.

Now I need to blow off steam after a slight contretemps with Peter earlier. Let me set the scene, we have a large (for the UK) double garage which is basically a workshop and store. Peter has been slowly organising the tools etc for the past year. I have no problems with that but what annoyed me today was him asking if there was any way I could reduce the amount of space that I have for my gardening stuff. He refused to accept my protestations that I only have a very small section and that was even after we went out and measured my area. It came to 3ft 6inches by 5 ft but apparently that is too much! He did accept that I'm keeping that space but couldn't understand why I was so put out. Some people! Not that we stayed fallen out for long.

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