Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday, 4 July 2014


A typical British summer's day with light rain in the morning which worsened as the day went on so that by afternoon playtime it was far too wet to venture outside with the children. Right now, 6.30, the heavens have opened and I glad I made a check of the dam as I drove down into the garden. 
It was a shame about afternoon playtime as we had spent an hour singing and dancing in quite humid conditions and a bit of fresh air was sorely needed. Instead I found some YouTube clips from 'Frozen' for the children to watch. They were so sweet singing 'Let it go'. I was busy putting leaflets in the children's book bags and setting out the book bags for hometime while the teaching assistant did reading assessments. Our music and dancing to Shakira's La la la is coming along nicely though possibly with more enthusiasm than accuracy.
I do hope this rain clears up as we have the school's Summer Fayre tomorrow afternoon. 
Horrible news from France of a primary teacher fatally stabbed in front of her class of 5&6 year olds. Somebody saw it on their phone at lunchtime and it made us all go cold. 

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