Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday, 9 May 2016


Another pleasantly warm day with light rain starting later in the afternoon. In the morning I mixed up a little mortar and finished tidying up the stonework in the conservatory. Then Peter and I went off to view a house in Pilton. It ticked all the boxes and would do very well though the price would have to be negotiated down a little. So that's one possibility to have in hand for the time when we get an offer for our place. While we were out in the garden some neighbours said hello over the fence. And surprise, surprise we knew them. I know the wife from the time when she used to do some supply teaching at my school and Peter knows the husband. After the viewing I went on to BJ's to buy plants for the hanging baskets. The good weather seems to have given everybody the same idea and the place was packed. I got my usual mix of purple, magenta and lavender coloured surfinia petunias though I've had to mix up the colours in the baskets, partly because there weren't enough purple ones left and partly because I confused some of the magenta and lavender ones as the colours on the labels looked similar. They didn't have any trailing lobelia at all so I dropped in at B&Q. They didn't have white trailing lobelia so I ended up with a mixed blues and white variety called Raindrops. I also got some more purple petunias in the reduced section. I planted up the baskets once I got home.
At school I showed my Year 1 children pictures of Pilton Church and told them about the significance and function of a church building to Christians. They had all been there for the school's carol service at Christmas but sadly only a few knew anything more.
It felt very close all afternoon so I gave both classes my 'we will not scream' talk about thunderstorms which wasn't helped by a neighbouring class playing on drums.
It was only raining lightly after school so I walked into town to go to the library and leave a bag of surplus wine glasses to the charity shop. 
On my way home I stopped just after turning off the main road to take in the beauty of all the wildflowers growing in the hedgerows.
 Red Campion and Cow Parsley.
The hedges are greening up in patches according to the age of the branches. Soon the world will be fresh green once more. I saw a couple of deer this morning from our bedroom window. They were quite lively and one still his red winter coat.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

House looking is both fun and exasperating. I look forward to seeing your hanging baskets and thank you for naming the flower in the photo. We in Michigan are having a nice getting warmer and more sun each day.