Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 2 September 2021

Cool Morning, Sunny Afternoon.

The day began cool, grey and gloomy. Every conversation I had with strangers began with comments about the end of summer and how cold it was. Then, mid-afternoon the clouds began to clear and it became beautifully warm.
This morning I had to walk down to the surgery for an ECG. Everything came up normal which is good to know. I don't know if it is the Welsh NHS in general or our surgery in particular but we seem to be getting a lot better service than we ever did in Devon, more thorough health checks and quicker appointments too. The nurse today asked lots of questions and although they have my electronic records from Devon it was helpful that I had copies of all the letters from the Devon hospital to my GP. 
The smaller bolts haven't arrived yet so when I got home Peter put up the hose reel we'd brought with us. It was only recently that I came across the labelled bag with all the fittings in a box of my gardening stuff in the garage. The hose reaches all the way to the end of the back garden so now I don't have to keep filling up watering cans. I'd wiped down the hose before we moved but when I unwound it I found it mouldy once more so I left it unwound until I can wash it again.
Peter has been peering into an empty biscuit tub for the last few evenings, shop bought just aren't the same, so today I baked the usual peanut butter and chocolate cookies. That should keep him happy for a while.
It was only when I looked through these photos taken in our tiny wildlife meadow that I realised this is a harlequin ladybird, an invader species. I'll fill in the sightings report form after this.
With the sudden unexpected shift in the weather what else could I do but sit out on the terrace to enjoy the sun and watch the beach fill up again? Several neighbouring families went down en masse with kayaks, boards, small children , grandparents and friends.
Didn't finish posting before supper so can now include tonight's sunset though of course to the naked eye the sun and its reflection were the deepest red.


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