Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 25 August 2023


The morning was chilly and grey making me grateful to have Speedy as a lap warmer while I sat outside with my mug of tea. It got much brighter and sunnier as the day went on but with a distinct chill in the shade.
In the morning I went off to the dump with a carful of bags from the garden. From there I went on to Morrison's. It was as I sat queueing on the roundabout, a large roundabout that has two main roads going into it, that I remembered it was a bad idea to go shopping on a Friday but I had no choice with Peter's knee being so bad. If I hadn't planned to buy petrol as well I would have carried on around and skipped Morrison's. The supermarket itself wasn't that full and there were plenty of places in the carpark. It's that there's just one small access road shared by Morrison's, the garage, Charlie's, Comet, Halford's and B&M. 
I had a quick walk around the town shops and found a few things in the charity shops including this paperweight. Normally I only consider clear or cobalt blue glass but this one is up on a shelf with a blue and green paperweight. I also found a black polo shirt to wear riding. That was in a charity shop after I'd been unable to find one in Matalan. Shock, horror! - it's still August and Home Bargains has aisles full of Christmas decorations. Not what you expect to see in the summer.
My final stop was Lidl where they were selling a selection of medium sized grasses. Exactly what I will need for the shingle in the front garden, when it's done. For now I'll plant them up in bigger pots. Instead of doing any gardening I sat and started another crochet square while contemplating the shrubs under the hedge. My neighbour has offered me arum lilies which I love. I'll go and dig them up once the flowerbed is sorted.
Speedy has a perfectly good bowl of water in the kitchen but pond water tastes so much better.
The bog bean, which I put at the bottom of the pond has finally made its way to the surface. Now it should start to spread out stems which will float on the surface of the water.

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