Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 30 August 2023


It's been a dry day, windy with much brighter patches of blue showing between the clouds.
The plums our neighbour gave us yesterday, just a few....
In the morning I cycled down to the zoo for my usual few hours of weeding. I worked in the larger of the play areas which I think many children find the best part of the zoo. The turkeys are nearby and the male turkey is constantly drumming and gobbling much to the children's amusement. One child told his parents that the turkey had his brains on the outside of his head. I suppose the wattle does look a bit like a brain though it did make me wonder if the comment was related to the type of films or games the child watched.
I didn't have to cycle home as Dean, one of the owners was finally able to come round and collect the pallet that has been sitting by our drive for a while and offered to put my bike in the back of the van. 
At home I did some more work in the garden reinstating some windbreak plastic at the end of the garden. It wasn't the neatest of jobs but I hope it will shelter the new shrubs (once they go in) for a year or two.
I finished my day with choir at Tal-Y-Bont. Not so many of us tonight, only 13 but after working on Lan Y Mor which is taking a while to get to grips with we sang some more familiar songs. Afterwards I caught a glimpse of the large Blue Moon but by the time I got home the clouds had hidden it from view. It's full moon tomorrow night so maybe I'll get to see it in all its glory.


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