Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 3 August 2023


Windy and cloudy all day long with a flash of sun in the evening and some heavy showers in the morning. Apart from a few people having surfing lessons the beach was more or less empty until the end of the day.
My neighbour called round to let me know that Cake and Cultivate at the community gardens had been rained off. I could have gone round to chat over cake in the home of C. who bakes the cake but instead I chose to stay home and do a bit more work on the carnival stuff.
Peter had an MRI scan of his knee booked at the hospital in the afternoon so as parking is a nighmare there we drove down together, I dropped him off and carried on down to town. I did a shop at Lidl and just as I finished Peter sent me a text saying he was ready to be picked up. This was after I'd had a short chat with C outside Lidl. 
When we got back to Borth I drove down to the nice craft shop only to find it closed and a note on the door saying they will be opening at 11.00 tomorrow. Peter had managed to go there in the morning but I'm concerned that as the items are mostly locally made they probably don't have much spare once things are sold. Hopefully I'll be able to stock up on presents on my way to the start of the carnival procession. I noticed some of the houses along the High St already making elaborate preparations including what looked like a 10ft tall wooden castle on the drive of one house. I imagine that village carnivals, or at least Borth's carnival are similar to Halloween in The States with people, houses and vehicles (floats) decorated here not for sweets but for community spirit and maybe a certificate for the winners in different categories.
Having returned home from my third visit to the shop sans gifts I cheered myself up with a bit of gardening in the front garden. In the rockery some of the low growing sedums are already butting up against the other alpines. I removed a few of the stems and and replanted them to provide ground cover in the planters containing taller sedums (ice plants). All the rockery plants are doing well. It just remains to see how they do over the winter as the rockery faces directly out to sea.
I was having such fun out in the garden that I forgot about disco aerobics. Fortunately when I remembered (I prefer not to wear a watch unless I have to) there was still time to feed Speedy, do some supper preparation and get changed before walking down to the hall. I like to arrive early for aerobics so that I can claim my spot at the front where I have the best chance to see what I'm supposed to be doing with my arms and legs. Also it's nice to chat with my fellow dancers some of whom I know from my other activities.

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