Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Misty Morning.

It was a grey misty morning when I looked out of the window this morning. Normally that would be my cue to have a lie-in but today a plumber was coming round to look at our toilet. To me it looks like a modern style but as we discovered when trying to buy a  replacement toilet seat, it's not around these days. When Peter eventually found a place where he could order a new D-shaped, close-coupled seat it would cost £70! Not much less than a whole replacement standard toilet. Today's visit was to look at the toilet and see if either they can find a more reasonably priced seat or quote for a complete replacement. Currently the seat has a temporary gaffer tape repair to prevent painful pinching.
The weather remained grey all morning so a banana loaf was in the oven by 9.00. It looked as if it would rain when I was heading to town and the library but I still wore my shorts and put a light mac in my back-pack. No rain and even a few blue patches in the afternoon. Later I baked some more chocolate and peanut butter cookies. I ran out of vanilla essence so used salted caramel flavouring instead. The cookies are okay but I think I'll stick to vanilla essence in the future.
Morning roses against a grey sky.
Lots of dark clouds this evening blowing southwards underneath the high cloud layer. I heard an owl hooting as I watered the plants in the back garden.

1 comment:

happyone said...

yum banana bread. I'd like a piece about now. Too bad I couldn't pop over for a chat and a piece. : )
Oh wait a minutes aren't we 5 hours behind you? You are probably just going to bed!