Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 23 January 2023

Possible Good News.

Bright with enough of a breeze today to make it worth hanging washing out on the line.
Today's extra job was to blitz the bottom section of the food cupboard. I washed out the plastic tubs and generally sorted and rearranged all the tins, jars and packets. A small number of items have been thrown out but in general it was a matter of organising things and thinking about ways to use up some of the stuff that has been there for a while. We stock up on some items because every now and again they disappear from the supermarket shelves and also the local shop is a lot more expensive than going into town. 
A couple of good things happened today, firstly I've had an email from Curry's saying my order ie the new camera, is in store ready to collect. There's still a faint doubt in my mind but I'll see when I go to the store. Secondly, and this is a biggie - the builder came round this evening and dropped in the bathroom window frame with the promise that they will be here tomorrow to fit it. Once it gets to this stage he's generally reliable so maybe by tomorrow evening we'll have a window. I chose the window dimensions to allow for the shower but I have to say I'm a bit surprised at quite how small the actual glass is. But that is how it is.

A few more photos from yesterday.
The ruined house where we stopped for lunch.
Barns still being used for storage.
It's hard to imagine 17 of us had just been sitting inside eating our lunch.
At the start of our walk we passed a field of rare breed Balwen Welsh Mountain sheep. The breed originated in the Tywi valley on the border of Ceredigion. All of the current Balwen sheep are descended from a single ram and a number of ewes that were the few survivors of the harsh winter of '46/'47. Numbers had been declining proir to that due to the change from sheep farming to forestry plantations. Balwen means white blaze though according to Google translate, not the most reliable source, the whole word translates as mud. My dictionary says mud is mwd.


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