Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 19 January 2023

Wintry Showers.

We could still see snow on the mountains this morning and with wintry showers continuing through the day the snow was still there at sunset.
Our next door neighbour kept having to halt his chain-sawing of an large elder bush and take shelter from the hail some of which was pea-sized.
Even when the sun was shining the air was bitterly cold but there was surprisingly little wind. 
Although our Zoom class only lasts two hours it seems to take up most of Wednesdays. Apart from setting up the camera and microphone there's usually vocabulary to go through that had been part of the homework and then I like to check back over last week's lesson and translate any dialogue coming up in this week's lesson. Once the lesson is over my brain feels like mush and I need a while before I'm ready to do anything else. A sign of my age I suppose. I did manage to make a start on going through the food cupboard. I'm very happy with my kitchen larder which is constructed from three 'top' cupboards on top of each other. I didn't want to use the deep 'bottom' cupboards and end up with stuff hidden at the backs of the shelves. I did the top section today and found only a few very out of date items to throw out. By 'very' I mean years out of date, far too old to use. 
Another rainbow. The pot of gold must be on the other side of the garden hedge.
Then it was time to walk down to the hall for disco aerobics. The class starts at 5.45 and this time it wasn't quite dark. Pitch black ahead of me but behind me the sky was still light and I could see the sea clearly instead of just hearing it. It was a fun class as usual with plenty of energy burnt. Our teacher wore a step counter last week and it recorded 7,000 steps for the class. No wonder my legs feel worn out.

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