Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 8 January 2023

To Go or Not To Go......

That was the question in my mind this morning. Should I go on the walk or not? I'd looked up the meeting point and used Google Street View to follow the route to the meeting point so there was no problem there. But the weather was uncertain with showers in the offing. I have found that as I've got older I'm tending towards being more cautious and having the weather and my tiredness pointed out tipped me towards deciding to stay at home. But in general my nature is about making an effort and taking a chance with new experiences. If they're fun that's great and if there are some problems it's not the end of the world. Peter on the other hand is risk averse and ultra cautious. He will point out all the possible drawbacks making it hard for us to try new things but I see that as the way to a dull, if safe, life. I still don't know if it would have been better to go walking today. Yes there was the occasional shower but who cares if you're with friends? Instead I frittered away time at the pc and in the end went off for a lone walk along the beach.
There were big waves from early on. We watched a couple of surfers while we ate our breakfast but it was not a day for any but the most experienced surfers. The lifeboat crew went out for their Sunday morning training and the boat was constantly at a 45% angle going up and down the waves. 
It's been a day of strong winds and some showers. The winds were neither particularly warm or especially cold which I suppose is a good thing. 

The waves are constantly changing the nature of the beach. There's usually a big sandbank at my turnaround spot by the first of the reefs but right now it's all stones.


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