Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Still Wet.

For us it has been a day of blustery showers. At least it wasn't the wall of water we had yesterday but still too wet for working at the zoo.
When I first saw this flood warning chart I wondered why there were none in Wales especially as I've been reading about local rivers bursting their banks and flooded roads but a quick check showed this is indeed the situation.
I have one bad habit that I will try to change this year and that is reading until the early hours. Nothing wrong with reading but I then wake later the next day and the whole day gets set back. It usually takes me until 11.00 or 11.30 in the evening to get everything done after which it is just so peaceful (and comfy) to sit in bed and read till the early hours. So much nicer to read than to try and sleep which never comes easily (been like that all my life). The best option is to try and start reading earlier and hope that Peter doesn't snore too loudly.
Today I did some small DIY jobs; filling and then painting the joins in the mirror surround, painting the ends of the shelves in Peter's room and painting the tails to the heated towel rail with white Hammerite. None of those took long and that was helped by having all the materials and brushes to hand. The mirror only needs some white silicone between the wood and glass, a messy job that at least when I do it and the other painting bits only need one or maybe two coats. Then I can truly say everything is done in the bathroom and move onto the next project.
I did a bit more knitting but that went slowly as I work out the decreases to make the cosy fit at the top. I've got the old cosy to refer to but it's still a matter of trial and error. Still no rush.

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