Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Zoo Day.

A lot cloudier and with no wind much warmer than yesterday.
It was bitterly cold as I walked down to the hall for Pilates last night. Because the hall is heated by overhead propane gas heaters we have to have sufficient ventilation so that we don't run the risk of being overcome by fumes. All the ventilation is in the wall facing yesterday's easterly wind which was making the large curtains covering the top half of the wall billow dramatically and that side of the hall too cold for anyone to be. There had been so much wind coming through the two 18" square vents in the doors that our teacher had pulled the fold-up table tennis table across the doors to stop us all from freezing. B who is on the Hall committee and has his Pilates spot up at the back anyway was nominated as fire marshal to move the table in case of a drill or real emergency. It was still cold enough, even with the heating on that people wore extra layers for at the least the first half of the session and my woolly hat stayed on for the first 15 minutes. We always start our session focussing on our breathing as we raise our arms over our heads and back down again several times. It helps to get us settled but not yesterday. Just as our teacher was talking us through our breathing the wind began to whistle into the hall. Not a cheery going for a walk whistle but more like a banshee or demented steam train. That got everybody including our teacher, laughing but luckily it didn't last too long.
Today at last I was able to get myself down to the zoo for some weeding. I stopped first at the pharmacy to have the pharmacist look at my eye. I've had a small red spot on the inside of my lower eye lid for a few days and even though it isn't sore I wanted it checked out. He said the only thing he would advise is the stuff I have for my dry eyes anyway and if it gets worse or persists then go to the GP. At the zoo it looks as if somebody had weeded the small play area which is good but the larger play area needed going over. Some parts of the woodchip were still frozen but for the most part I was able to pull out the weeds with their roots. I got the whole area cleared and that was even with a break to help unload hay and straw bales which arrived while I was working. I didn't get a chance to ask anyone about all the goat hoof prints in the grass and woodchip but I suspect a recent mass breakout.
At home I thawed out my fingers and marvelled at how clear the Llyn peninsula was.
My camera could see individual houses in Pwllheli which is 36 miles away. The photo below shows  how far away the Llyn is, just bumps on the horizon when seen with the naked eye.
My final job of the day was to paint the wardrobe, white for the wood inside the wardrobe and magnolia for all the bits outside. That included above all the wardrobes as that bit had been missed when the room was originally decorated by our first builder. 
Off to choir soon.

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