Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 15 January 2024


Without any wind today it wasn't too cold. Lots of blue skies in the morning and cloudier in the afternoon with a touch of pink at sunset.
I'd been so good last week getting my head down by 11.00 or 11.30 at the latest but last night I wanted to finish a book and read on until 1.30. So no early morning start today. At least today I didn't have anything scheduled and could get on with 'home' jobs. 
This morning I sewed on some header tape to the net curtain and the wardrobe is officially finished, at least for the moment. Above is how it looked 9 days ago and below is the tidied up version. I know it doesn't look that spectacular but it takes me a while to do these fiddly jobs especially as I'm learning on the job. As well as hanging up the rest of the clothes I've also sorted through some of the remaining tubs, filled a bag with curtains for the charity shop, rearranged other stuff and added to the increasing pile of empty tubs.
I spent the afternoon outside, which of course is where I much prefer to be, digging up more of the lawn. I'm trying to get as much as possible dug over before the next cold spell which should help kill the weeds. There were more of the giant dandelion roots which have been put aside for the zoo, just need to decide exactly where would be best for a dandelion patch and I even dug out some bramble roots. 
A few more photos from yesterday.


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