Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 11 January 2024

A Busy Day.

Quite nice weather today with sun to look at and a pinkish sunset.
I feel as if I haven't stopped today. I was up at 7.00 and had my peaceful moment sitting outside listening to the world waking up. The garden birds wake earlier, maybe because they have the benefit of the street lights while the gulls are quiet until dawn. In the distance I saw a light from one of the farms high up on the hills while the early train trundled along the estuary. As the train turned the corner to run parallel  with the beach the glare from its headlights was most impressive. The train can be hard to hear as the pitch of the wheels on the tracks is very similar to that of the shingle on the beach rumbling as it's rolled back and forth by the waves.
Straight after breakfast I got a big pot of hearty soup going as I needed to use up the parsnips and carrots bought before Christmas when the supermarket was selling them as loss leaders. Next thing was to carry on with the wardrobe. I got the final coat of paint done and also fitted the curtain pole. However when I stood back I realised the pole would look better further back so took it down and filled the screw holes during the 10 minute coffee break in Welsh class. Class today was mostly revision of the past imperfect (I think), possessive pronouns and positional language. When it came to my turn and the possible answers to the question 'Where are my biscuits?' were 'on the table' or 'in the box' I couldn't resist saying 'in me'. I just haven't grown out of throwing in humour when I can.
Class over I returned to working on the wardrobe. I moved the pole further back but now I've decided that I might as well put a strip of wood across the front to hide the pole and rings. That needs two pieces of wood, one of which I had in the garage but the other will need to be bought tomorrow. Then of course I'll have to prime and paint the additions as well as make the curtain. I have some fabric in my stash that I think will do.
Off soon to disco aerobics for more fun and cardio exercise. 


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