Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 26 January 2024

Mirror, mirror on the wall.

Very few clouds in the sky today and the morning wind eventually faded away.
I was up early enough to get my fix of fresh air before my usual busy Friday.
At the stables I was back to riding Cadno again. Before I even put his bridle on I had to go and find some brushes to do something about the mud crusted on his neck and mane. I expect the girls had already got the worst of it off but the fields are very muddy at the moment. Instead of the owner teaching us today we had Katy, one of the other instructors. A bit less of the formal dressage teaching and today we got to canter plenty of half circles after quite of lot of sitting trot. Cadno was in a bit of a lazy mood to start with but eventually came nicely onto the bit after trying to go round poking his nose in the air. A few times he fell back into trot before I asked but for the most part he went well. I've lost my position as the oldest member of the class as today we were joined by a lady who is 73 (or 74). No excuse now for me to be puffing and panting.
Afterwards it was down to Morrison's for a bit of shopping and then straight into town. There I picked up more flea drops for Speedy at vast expense and dropped off two large bags of clothes at the charity shop. And it was in the charity shop that I found just the right mirror for the bathroom. Although there is a mirror above the sink and the 3 in 1 mirror on the opposite wall there is a space on the wall facing the window for one more. My plan was to use the plain bevelled frameless mirror from the blue loo and replace that one with one in a frame. But this new one which matches the one over the sink will be fine for the bathroom and only cost £3.
I did a couple of hours gardening in the afternoon carrying on with digging up the lawn. I've gone back to using the fork as kneeling on the ground aggravated the cyst on my toe increasing the pain and making me lose sleep. I rang the hospital to see roughly how long the wait will be until I get it removed only to be told that the waiting list is two years. They aren't even doing any minor orthopaedic surgery as they try to catch up with the patients waiting for major surgery where the current waiting list is four years. So minor surgeries are going to be farmed out to other hospitals. I need to see if I can find out what the waiting times are like elsewhere and then ask my GP to refer me. Or maybe they can aspirate the cyst to relieve the pressure on the nerves. I may even have to look at going private though goodness knows how much that would cost. Yikes, just looked it up and the average cost is £2,500. 

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