Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 25 January 2024


Dry first thing but then steady rain for the rest of the day.
This morning we had to go to the hospital for Peter's long awaited appointment at the 'injection' clinic for local anaesthetic and a guided (ultra sound) injection into the ligament in his knee. 
We got there in good time but there were no parking spaces in the residential streets around the hospital. There is a hospital car park but there is no point trying there during the day. Instead we went to Plan B. Peter went into the hospital and I drove down to town to await a phone call. And I waited and waited. I went into Lidl and did the usual shopping after which I drove round to the car park by Matalan as you can only stay for 90 minutes in Lidl's car park. I had a look around Matalan and Home Bargains after which I carried on waiting. Thinking that maybe because of the mix up over his appointment he might have been squeezed onto the end of the list I wasn't too concerned. The time passed when we would have been able to make it home in time for our Zoom class but still no phone call. Eventually I sent Peter a text to see what was happening and immediately got a reply to say he was ready to be collected. In fact he had been ready for two hours. So why hadn't I heard anything? We checked my phone and there were no missed calls or messages which was strange. It turns out he still had my old as well as my new phone number in his contacts and had been ringing the old phone. So nothing to do with my inability to use a phone.
The rest of the afternoon has been damp and grey but I'll be off soon for a good old dance around in disco aerobics.
Last night at choir we were in the room under the stage which is much warmer than out in the hall. I got very excited when our choir leader put up the words of Pokarekareana as this was always a favourite of mine in the last choir. I thought I might be joining the altos as I sang alto in Devon but when we ran through the parts the tenors had the tune. Great, but when we came to the chorus the altos sang the part I knew. That was easily solved, I moved so that I was standing next to the altos, sang the verse with the tenors and then went up an octave and sang the chorus with the altos.


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