Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 22 October 2022


We had lovely weather in the morning and although it stayed warm the showers got heavier and more frequent as the day progressed.
I had one of those days where I woke at 4.00 and gave up on trying to get back to sleep by 5.00. It just reaches a point where the pain outweighs the pleasure of lying in bed. Instead I prepared breakfast and got the early morning jobs done before settling down in front of the tv. I'm currently watching Portrait Artist of the Year, there is something very soothing watching skilled artists capture different facets of the same sitter.
After breakfast I got Peter to hold one end of the 3m gutter so that I could mark up for the brackets. But ..... after fitting the long section I've decided I really do not like the brown gutter against the white wall (the brown mark on the wall underneath is from water splashing off the terrace onto the soil below and will be washed off). The brown gutter is too intrusive especially as the raised bed below will be a focal feature of the garden so I shall have to buy white guttering instead. Unless I can move the brackets higher up so that visually the gutter merges with the edge of the terrace slabs, that's an idea to explore.
And then it rained, and when the rain stopped we were treated to a double rainbow, much brighter than it looks in the photos.
I spent the rest of the afternoon making truffles as there's a family birthday coming up. (I don't think the boys read my blog so it doesn't matter if I post a photo.) The round ones are the usual truffles, this time made with Bailey's and the star shaped ones have marzipan inside. I tried out the sweet moulds I bought in the charity shop and they've worked quite well though next time I'll roll the marzipan into slightly smaller balls. I had some melted chocolate and ganache balls left over so I used the heart shaped moulds to make the heart shaped chocolates which Peter and I can share as chef's perks.



rose said...

I read your blog every day. I don't comment because I don't do Google account stuff. Today I have a friend's. So my comment is ,
just spray paint the gutter. Or is the paint more expensive than the gutter? Anyway, I spray paint lots of stuff for outside and it works great! Anyway I really enjoy your blog. I live in the US so your neck of the woods is fun to read about. Rose

Ruta M. said...

Hi Rose, I'm glad you're enjoying reading about my life on the Welsh coast. The paint is not a bad idea though I wonder how it would stand up to the sea spray. Our next door neighbour's guttering was painted with external paint (pale blue) which was peeling off in an unsightly way and making a big mess in my garden.

happyone said...

Your truffles sure look good!