Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 1 October 2022


The weather has been all over the place today. First thing this morning the sea was sparkling blue with the sun glinting off the whitecaps and then by breakfst time everything was grey. I took a chance on the weather and did some washing but as I hung the first tea towel on the line down came big fat raindrops. That didn't last too long and the rest of the day was windy with spells of sunshine.
After breakfast armed with scale plans and coloured lines drawn on the bathroom floor I talked Peter through my ideas for the bathroom. Once he could see how it all was he was happy to go with my original plan. All I need to do now is reasearch flooring. I prefer ceramic tiles (smarter and easier to clean) but Peter would prefer lino as its warmer on the feet and softer in case of falls. 
I got on with some Welsh during the shower and then it was gardening time. First thing was digging up the surplus hydrangea without damaging the roots of the hydrangea behind it (and replanting it further down the garden.). That had to be done using hand tools and my hard work was rewarded by finding treasure, a whole cache of bluebell bulbs. I rescued enough bluebell bulbs of varying sizes to half fill a litre plant pot. I like the thought that I'm continuing the original planting scheme of having bluebells under the hydrangeas to provide some colour before the leaves grow on the hydrangeas. I finished off by planting the crocuses and dividing up a pot of black grass. It looks very formal at the moment with the black grass planted in a line which is so not my style of garden but hopefully the 'grass' will spread.
That took up most of the afternoon leaving just enough time to tie up this pretty clematis.


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