Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 18 October 2022


Sunny and mild today. Last night the stars were out and I could see the Milky Way stretched across the velvety black sky. It got colder in the night but the house stays comfortable with the heating turning on once in a while (it's at 17C not 16C as I thought). 
My plan for the day was to fit the gutter back on around the terrace. The first thing I did was clean out the accumulated muck in the gutters after which I had to make a decision. Should I put the gutter back the same way with the faded section facing out, turned around to have the non-faded side plus paint splodges from the original painting or turned around with all the paint scraped off? Every option would function as well but no prizes for guessing that I decided to scrape off every last spot of paint. This I did carefully using a green scrubby and the rounded end of an old table fork so as not to damage the surface of the brown plastic. I also cleaned up the brackets and removed the rusty old screws. By the time all this was done I felt my back had had enough and finished up for the day.
Out in the back garden I potted up some of the many knautia seedlings that have appeared around the parent plants. It seems such a shame just to throw them away. I may try a few in the front garden next year.
This evening I went to the 'proper' pilates class. It was a quite different to the class I used to go to which felt like a real workout. This was far gentler with the emphasis on quietly stretching various muscles. However I shall perservere as I need to get back into shape and restore some of my core strength which has melted away over the last two years. Unless I want to travel into town my only other option is an aerobic disco workout which isn't pilates based. What I really need to do is to get back to doing exercises daily. How will I fit those in I wonder?

We had an almost flat sea today so no surfers. There was enough breeze for the windsurfer but not really enough for the wing surfer.


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