Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Out For A Walk.

I've had a good day today. First the bliss of a lie-in. It is such a treat after getting up in the dark all week that it does deserve a mention. Knowing that I can simply turn over and go back to sleep is such luxury. The forecast for the week-end was dry today and wet tomorrow so I spent some time out in the garden getting rid of brambles first from a small woodland area which I leave natural apart from removing the brambles and stinging nettles, and also from the blackcurrant bushes and a patch of raspberry canes. I then felt justified in taking myself off, with a flask of coffee and a snack, down to Morte Point for a walk. (Peter had gone to Exeter for an OU tutorial so I was on my own.) It was still bright and sunny when I got there and I was surprised not to see more people out walking but generally I had the place to myself. I'm going off on more walks on my own as I've decided there is no point in getting fed up when Peter can't come with me. It is nicer to have company but I still enjoy my solitary rambles.
This makes up for all those years living in London when we walked (daily with dogs and children) on our local common ignoring the traffic and all the buildings around.
I had thought about taking the longer route going right around Bull Point lighthouse and back via Rockham bay but the path is higher up on the cliffs and for a large part of the walk you are some distance from the sea so I stuck to the usual walk.
I had planned to stop at the point to have my coffee by the crashing waves but when I got there the wind was cold and so strong that it was hard to stand up so I didn't linger for too long.
Instead I found a bench in a more sheltered spot in the company of a few sheep grazing out of the wind. It was getting rather overcast by this time and not exactly warm but it was still good to be out.
This sheep was on look out duty behind me and the small black speck above is a sparrowhawk hovering overhead.
Back home I made a meat loaf using some lamb mince I had bought reduced on Friday and we had some of it with carrots and new potatoes. The rest will be eaten later in the week so I shan't have to do much cooking.


happyone said...

More beautiful photos.
I never can seem to sleep long in the morning. My eyes pop open at the same time and I just can't go back to sleep.

Elora said...

Lovely walk! Good for you, going out on your own!
