Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Boxing Day Dip.

I've got some time before Vytas and Sally arrive so I thought I'd post photos of some of the things I made.
First - the famous throw which turned out quite well if I say so myself. It might not bear too close an inspection in terms of crocheting skill but it's the creative process that I enjoy. I set myself the challenge of working with wool bought from charity shops which added a chance factor to the design element. Also I like the thought that every ball of wool bought put some money into a good cause. I did buy one ball from the wool shop's oddments bin but ended up not using it because it was too thick. I avoided anything that was 100% acrylic but really colour was the main factor. I started off looking for reds and purples, (Sally likes deep red). I call them jewel colours but then the greys crept in adding a cool tone to some of the 22" squares. And that is what I ended up with. It could have done with another three rows of black around the outside which was the original plan but I just ran out of time. I really hope they like it.
And some chocolates as well.
Since the stormy weather is due to return this evening I thought I'd go for a walk on the beach for some fresh air.  I'd forgotten about the traditional Boxing Day Dip, or at least I'd thought it was at 10.30 not 12.00. My walk got no further than a large beach bonfire at the bottom of the steps where I stopped to chat with friends. Then our neighbours came down in a group though only one was going to venture into the water. 
Suddenly there was a crowd of people who were soon heading down to the water.

There's an informal group of wild water swimmers here known as The Badasses who swim most days (I know some of them and they really are 'wild women') but I have to admire all those who turned up without wetsuits for this cold dip. The young men were being very macho while some of the older guys were probably trying hard to hold their stomachs in. There were a number of children going in as well but I keep them or at least their faces out of the photos I publish.
With the water at 8C/46F there were varying degrees of enjoyment evident on people's faces.
There was a chap filming with a drone so if it comes up on FB I'll add the link. 
The house is clean, Duo done, hearty soup started so all I need to do now is await the arrival of our visitors.


1 comment:

happyone said...

The throw turned out great!!
Oh those candies look yummy.
I think I'll stay out of the water!!! brrr :)
Have a great day.