Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 31 December 2023

Still Raining.

A wet start to the day with a drier afternoon.
I was up by 5.30 and had my first cuppa sitting inside the open door with occasional glimpses of Venus and a few stars beyond whenever there was a break in the clouds. With so much cloud around it was still pitch black at 7.30 with not a peep from the birds when I began ironing yesterday's washing. I'd already done my Duo and prepared the breakfast so there wasn't much else to do. The sky eventually began to lighten at around 8.00 but Peter isn't sleeping well at the moment so we didn't have breakfast until later.
I went off for a beach walk in the afternoon but I didn't want to take my camera in case there was a sudden downpour (there wasn't) and I'm blogging early before my energy fades. As it was still dry on my return I changed into gardening clothes and spent some time fishing blanket weed out of the pond. I'm hoping that the snails survive the winter and start multiplying in the spring to eat up the blanket weed but I'm removing what I can now. I scoop it out and swirl it in a bucket of water first to make sure I don't take out any snails but I'm counting on their defence strategy of dropping to the bottom when the water is disturbed to keep them out of the way of my fingers.
We're not partygoers, or at least only occasionally so are planning a quiet night in tonight. Hopefully the rain will hold off and we can go out on the terrace to enjoy any fireworks displays in the area.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Happy New Year to you and Peter.