Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Cold Winds.

The weather has been much the same as yesterday's, a bit chilly and staying dry until the afternoon. There was enough wind to make it worth while hanging up the washing on the line. It was nearly dry when I ran to bring it back indoors as the first drops of rain fell.
I like Saturdays as I usually have the whole day free to work at home in the garden and today was no exception. Gardening jobs today included potting up the tomatoes and sorting out the corner bed (with the bird bath). Weeding necessitated crawling under the hedge, at one point lying flat out, to get the last of the montbretia corms dug out plus a couple of tiny brambles. I do have montbretia in several places in the garden but I don't want them spreading out to take over the herbaceous beds. I finally got that corner bed into some sort of order with more stachys and ground cover sedums planted along the front edge and star flowers, a coneflower, a tall white campanula and a purple salvia further in. I also planted some blue-eyed grass in the shingle. Once all that was done I went back to carrying buckets of top soil, topping up the raised beds and the beds around the shingle. Possibly one more day should get the dumpy bag emptied and my back will get a chance to recover from all that heavy work.

I don't know why Speedy has to drink out of the pond when he has a perfectly good bowl of water in the kitchen.
The azalea I moved seems very happy in its new spot between two hydrangeas.


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