Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 10 April 2024


Grey and raining for most of the day, heavier in the morning and light to moderate for the rest of the day.
Just the sort of day when I could curl up on the sofa under a blanket, eat biscuits and watch tv. But I didn't. Instead I made a start on sorting out the utility room which is where I tend to leave tools and materials when I'm working on a project and then once the job is done don't put them all away. I mean, that's the boring part of any job. Much more fun to rush onto the next project. I hadn't tackled it earlier since that's where the builders would leave their tools too and amongst the minor chaos I'd be drying the washing there when it was too wet to hang it outside. I did my best to sort through the collections of small 'bits'; screws, fittings etc before taking them out to Peter's workshop space in the garage. Then I went through a tub of random keys identifying and labelling the keys that are in current use and will dispose of the rest. Since we put in new doors and windows most of the old keys apart from those for the garage are not needed. I'll put the old ones with a few other metal items to be dropped off at Jason's. He's the local scrap metal man.
Another job which I did do sitting on the sofa with the tv on was to take lots of plasters out of their paper coverings. I've found that with increasing age my skin has become much more delicate and slower to heal and I'm prone to splits in my fingers especially when I'm doing heavy work such as digging gravel or lots of weeding. To prevent this or at least stop the splits getting worse I wrap my fingers with plasters. I've found a (cheap) brand of plasters which stay stuck down while I'm working but I do get through a lot of them and its annoying to have to take the plasters out of their paper covers just when I'm rushing to get on with something. I've now got a good supply which should last me for a while.
Later in the morning the rain didn't deter the surfers and by afternoon there were quite a few people on the beach including some youngsters splashing in the waves. If you're on holiday in the UK you take what you can get.
Off this evening to choir making sure I wrap up warm as we (the tenors) had the warm spot by the radiator last time and it will be someone else's turn tonight.

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