Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Gale Force 8.

Gale force 8 this morning with rain lashing at the windows and wild seas. (Peter's rowing mate is the launch manager at the lifeboat station and rings him with the weather updates.) The wind has mainly been coming from the south-west so it is still warm and by afternoon the rain had stopped though the gale isn't due to blow itself out until Thursday.
The weather conditions put paid to all our plans for today. No zoo of course and Peter got a message telling him there was no point in opening the lifeboat shop. (He was going to cover for somebody who is on holiday.) Also we had planned to take the camper up to the garage in Tal Y Bont to have an oil seal in the engine changed but the barn it is stored in is almost at the very top of the hill and the large barn door opens directly into the wind. It is not advisable to try and open the door in these conditions so Peter had to reschedule the garage trip.
I spent a peaceful morning sitting at the table, watching the waves while skinning tomatoes for sauce. I've used up all the tomatoes from the freezer and even went out and picked more from the garden.
In the afternoon I went through almost the last of the big boxes from the move (only three years ago). Some stuff is going to the charity shops and the rest has been redistributed into other boxes. Bit by bit I'm getting there. Off in a minute to Pilates. It's not raining so I'll walk down though I shall be wearing a coat. Speedy has tucked himself up for the evening in his fluffy cat bed here in my study


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