Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Getting Colder.

Cold and grey with an icy easterly wind blowing all day.
My workman's coat is completely windproof so I was nice and warm while I weeded at the zoo this morning. I was only there for a couple of hours but managed to finish weeding the bigger of the two play areas. Quite a bit of grass had come up in the smaller play area but as I didn't have the time to do all of it I thought I'd try something different and went over it with a hoe. Hoeing isn't that good for my back but it didn't take too long. I just want to see if turning the grass over in the colder weather helps but I suspect I'll be back to working on my hands and knees pulling out each individual clump.
Back home I baked a Bara Brith, made a cheesecake and did some extra tidying around the place before going off to Pilates. While I was in the middle of all that kitchen work a lorry from Huw's turned up to deliver .......... a big bag of top soil. Something must have got mixed up in the office so I told the chap I'd already had the soil last week and off he went. 


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