Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Poorly PC

Wow, my PC actually turned on tonight. But it is definitely in terminal decline and uploading photos from my camera seems to send it into a coma. I think that my blogging is going to be a bit hit and miss for the foreseeable future. Today we have had the most glorious sunshine and at times it felt positively warm. No need even for a light fleece over my sleeveless t-shirt. With the sunshine and not travelling in the dark my spirits are feeling so much brighter. Also I've had confirmation that I shall be full-time until the end of the year (Sept) which means that our finances will be healthy this year. Once the sun went down the temperature dropped so rapidly that I've put the heating on for an hour to take the chill off the place. The bill for last week's oil delivery has come and it is over £200 less than the last lot for the same amount of oil. I need to keep my fingers crossed that the situation in the Middle East doesn't send prices rocketing again. Yesterday I was driving home admiring the soft pinks and blues of the evening sky when through a gateway I caught sight of a flash of vivid red as the sunset burst from under a cloud bank.
Tonight my way home was lit by a blazing gold sun but though I took pictures I daren't take the risk of uploading them. Better blog with what I have for the time being.
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow but if not then the PC will be having another sick day.

1 comment:

Elora said...

Wow! Gorgeous photos, Ruta! Glad you're back!
