Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 30 September 2019


Just got back on-line after a mysterious internet failure to my PC. Maybe something to do with me moving stuff around (which Peter really didn't want me to do) to set up the tv. on the new unit. The design was based on one made by New Forest Rustic Furniture. It took me a while to make and could have been better but it's not too bad.

Due to the lateness of the hour I'm just posting photos of the beach and town of Marazion.  
After the somewhat eventful journey down we eventually found the campsite and made the camper ready for the night. Then we walked into Marazion via the beach. The weather kept changing from sudden downpours to clear blue skies when the strong but warm wind blew us completely dry in five minutes. 

I then left Peter in the pub while I continued walking around taking photos and checking out some of the shops.
The bakers had shut which they do once they've run out of pasties so we headed back to the campsite in time to catch the visiting fish&chip van for freshly cooked fish (delicious) and chips (a bit under done). After the drive Peter needed to rest so I headed back to the beach for a long walk down towards Penzance. I didn't take my camera but simply enjoyed walking in the wild wind watching the kite surfers, seven of them, the birds and keeping an eye out for interesting stones. The local stone is granite and there was a treasure trove of smooth pebbles of varying colours and sizes lying in swathes across the sand. Rather gritty sand which wore a hole in my toe by the side of the flip-flops toe-post. 
More tomorrow ......

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