Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 25 October 2022


The day began with bright blue skies which began clouding over from the morning. At least there was no rain and there was enough of a breeze to make it worthwhile hanging washing on the line. 
For some reason I'd woken in a grouchy mood, maybe because I didn't have a plan of work for the day at least not one that involved being outside. I'd checked that they had all the guttering bits I needed at Screwfix only to find that they don't deliver the actual gutters. At 3m long no way could we fit them in the car and we were even contemplating taking the camper down to collect them. However Peter did a bit more searching and another local builders merchants has what we need and will deliver. First he's going there to check that they have the right items as they can be a bit careless over the phone.
Then I decided to carry on tidying up the back garden. Lots of weeding of tiny stuff before I was able to dig up the two sage plants which had become too large for the herb garden. Now they're up in the raised bed next to the herb garden and once they've got over the shock of being dug up I'm sure they'll be fine. That gives the thymes room to spread. To finish off I spread some very fine gravel on top of the soil. This gravel had been on top of the concrete base of the greenhouse that once stood in the same spot.
I'm currently waiting for a phone call from the GP to review my medications. That seems a bit back to front as I'm going to the surgery for a blood test for my medication review on Friday morning. You'd think they'd want to see the results of the blood tests first. But if they don't ring within the next half an hour I'll be gone to pilates anyway. This morning's text said after 10.00 so it could have been anytime today.
The replacement sink cupboard arrived at 12.00 today and this time there's no damage. They're very good at letting us know by text when the delivery van is arriving. However Peter has just had another text saying they will be delivering at 6.00. That's strange unless the emails I sent complaining I hadn't heard anything have triggered a second replacement. But I only arranged the delivery date once and though it was originally for yesterday they let us know in good time that it would be today.
While the Post Office was on my mind yesterday I thought I'd be organised and check the last posting date for Christmas cards to Canada. A good thing I did because shock horror, the last posting date is Monday October 31st. That's almost eight weeks! What are they doing, tying the mail bags to the feet of passing pigeons? I'm shocked that it takes that long for a card to get to Canada or The States. And if you were planning on sending a card to other countries it's already too late. The postal service has gone downhill since they made it an independant company. And they treat the workers dreadfully. No wonder the postal workers keep going on strike.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Love your garden!!