Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 28 July 2023


An overcast day which always seemed to be threatening rain but fortunately we never had more than a few drops.
After breakfast I had to pick up my prescription from the pharmacy which of course involved a brief diversion along the beach. The holidaymakers were stoically ignoring the lack of warmth and were camped on the beach while their youngsters played in the sea. 

As I walked along I could see rain falling but it blew inland further south.
Walking back along the High Street I meet our builder walking his 12 year old donkey, Dolly to her field.
Then it was time to drive to the stables for another riding lesson on Alice being taught by the lovely Chloe. Still only half an hour but I feel I've improved a lot since my first lesson. While my back has been fine afterwards at first sitting trot was quite painful. But today things were better and I was able to trot the whole way around the arena with sitting trot down both long sides. I might even be ready to go out for an hour's hack soon.
Afterwards I drove into town to do some shopping. I had thought being earlier in the day and now that there's no school the main road in would be clear of traffic but I was wrong. Still a very long tailback of stationary or slow moving traffic. That gave me the chance to tune the car radio to Radio Cymru and practise my listening skills. Mostly I'm just identifying words, sometimes knowing what they mean and sometimes not but I got very excited when I was able to translate a whole sentence - 'Do you play football?' In town I had a wander round the charity shops but didn't find anything apart from some wool for my stash. I stocked up on food at Lidl and shock horror they had no sauerkraut. Morrisons the other day only had the small jars so I'd been counting on Lidl. Sauerkraut was mentioned in the programme about the benefits of fermented foods and we really like potatoes, sausage and sauerkraut all cooked together. Maybe Tesco's will have some in their Polish section.
More showers on the horizon when I got home but these too missed us moving inland somewhere around Barmouth.

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