Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 18 July 2023


Gentle rain all day long.
It was too wet to even think about going down to the zoo today. Instead I pottered around indoors and the only time I went in the garden was to take a few photos of wet flowers.
I had a solid nine hours sleep last night so was more or less back to normal today. Even though it works I wouldn't recommend staying up all night as a way to guarantee falling asleep the next.
Something I've been thinking about today is the way that routines make my life easier. I've never been very organised or tidy but bringing up a family and being a class teacher forced me into both and gave me the realisation that life is easier that way. At least for me. That means that at those times when body and/or mind feel more decrepit, and let's face it things will only get worse with ageing, having a routine of simply achieved tasks which can be done almost on autopilot means that household jobs don't loom over me thus creating more stress. Plus there is the pleasue I get from living in pleasant surroundings. Case in point, I feel bad when I don't practise the piano or guitar so recently I've been playing the piano every day and today I played the guitar as well. Also having fixed places for those important things like keys or purse saves wasting time looking for said items.
One of today's pottering about jobs was to check the orchids. No sign of the dreaded woolly aphids which is good. I'm still trying to decide on a good place to keep them as the windowsill in the utility gets too much sun and the leaves burn easily. They're currently on top of the fridge but tend to get overlooked up there. Other windowsills get condensation in the winter which needs wiping off daily so that's no good. Fridge it is for the time being.
Off now to Pilates, might take the car as the rain is now quite heavy. - Didn't in the end as it wasn't raining too heavily. 

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