Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 14 May 2023

Party time.

Grey and wet today.
After staying up late last night we were able to have a relaxed morning. I cut up the Rocky Road (my version) this morning and packed it in this smart box along with a list of ingredients for those who take these things seriously. I love it when something I've saved because it might come in handy one day actually gets used and if I say so myself I think it looks pretty good. 
The party had two venue options, one in a field that is used for events or in case of rain it would be in the hall where the choir meets. With the forecast being for heavy rain later in the afternoon we assumed it would be at the hall and dressed accordingly ie. did not take warm jackets. However it turned out the party was going ahead outside. Peter had the foresight to take a light waterproof jacket but I'd only put on a bodywarmer over my top and cardi. We had to park around the corner from the property so I grabbed the emergency plastic poncho we keep in the car just in case. This is all relevant because as predicted the clouds dropped at around 4.00 and soon it began to rain in ernest. There were some gazebos up and an giant sail strung between the trees which kept the worst of the rain off but we did get a bit damp and chilly. I warmed up by dancing most of the ceilidh, it was the sort of party where you danced with anyone so unlike at other events I've been to it didn't matter that Peter was unable to join in. He found lots of interesting people to talk to because my friend is a lovely person whom I know through choir and walking. I knew that her friends would be friendly and interesting too. I had plenty of chats including with a couple who drive to Poland every summer as the wife is Polish, a lady who rides not too far away and was encouraging me to volunteer with the RDA (Riding for the Disabled) group there and a lady who goes to Pilates. The choir had planned to sing a few songs but our leader is ill with pneumonia and it would be hard to sing without her so it was just Happy Birthday in Welsh and English. It was a really lovely party, like a mini festival with not only a band and a ceilidh but swing dancing and a disco later on. 

I've still got to do some preparation for tomorrow, taking down pictures and covering everything up before the builders come to put in the window tomorrow. This builder arrives at 8.30 so I shall be setting the alarm clock again.

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