Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 12 May 2023

Sunny and Warm.

Lots of blue today, blue skies, blue flowers and a blue butterfly.
I had another early start today, this time aided by the alarm clock as Speedy needed to be at the vet's by 9.00. That cat nearly gave me a heart attack this morning. I kept him in overnight so that there was no chance of him scrounging food somewhere. But he only uses his litter tray in dire emergencies, hadn't overnight and was asking to go out. I thought I'd let him out so that he didn't pee all over the vet and assumed he'd be back in a minute for his breakfast which he wasn't going to get anyway. But no, he disappeared and time was ticking on. I called, whistled to which he normally comes and it was only when I fished a food tin out of the recycling and walked around the garden and then up and down the street clattering the tin with a fork that he finally appeared. I hadn't got the pet carrier out of the cupboard so he wouldn't have known what was in store. Just went off for a wander. I got him to the vet on time, left him to be scanned and have the dental work and picked him up later in the afternoon. It turns out that he has thickened heart muscle which will need keeping an eye on with scans every 3-6 months. The joys of owning a pet. Today's bill was £300, not as much as I was expecting but still a lot to pay.
After dropping Speedy off at the vets in the morning I went and did some shopping at Morrisons, then to Currys where they refused to replace the faulty lens cover for my camera saying it's an accessory and I would have to contact the manufacturer. For the moment I'm keeping it in place with an elastic band. A quick stop in town to donate more stuff to the Red Cross charity shop and buy a pair of lighter trainers for disco aerobics and a spin around Lidl.
It was really hot in town and though clouding over a bit at home still warm enough to do some work outside before I went to collect Speedy. More cleaning of bricks, 7 done this time. I had to move into the garden as yesterday's repeated bashing with the lump hammer had resulted in a crack across one of the heavy paving slabs by the front gate.
Everything is springing into life in the garden. Today I spotted a pretty Holly Blue butterfly on the hedge and the speedwell though tiny is a beautiful intese blue in the wildflower meadow.


1 comment:

happyone said...

It was like Speedy knew he had to go to the vets! :)