Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 2 May 2023


Sunny and warm today.
The day was so nice that I cycled down to the zoo. Peter had checked the bike over for me earlier as I had only used it once since last summer but I still needed him to put more air in the front tyre and something is now making a loud noise as I cycle along. I'm sure everyone in the High St could hear me coming. It was too warm to wear my yellow high viz jacket so I got to put on the flourscent pink cycling jacket I had found in a charity shop.
I spent four hours at the zoo and most of that was weeding the large play area. All the little seedlings have begun to shoot up so I used an old table knife to pull them out. Much like removing the last quills from a chicken in the days when we bought chicken from the butcher in an almost plucked state. Remember those? Unlike now when supermarket chicken (which I don't buy) comes ready to cook in plastic packaging.
The cycling didn't take quite as much effort as it had at the beginning of last summer. I still got off and pushed it up the steepest bits on the way home though I managed to get up and over the railway line without too much difficulty.
Once I got home I wasn't fit for much else except having a coffee and painkillers out on the terrace. Soon enough it was time for Pilates. A lot of stretching tonight and I made sure to keep to the easy option in any exercises that might strain the lower back. 


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