Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 11 October 2024


Being Friday I was up nice and early in time to see the sky start to turn pink.
The sky was pretty but outside it was very cold. This was the first morning that I had to go round wiping off the condensation from the windows. That's another job I'll have to add to my list of morning tasks. Before going out with my coffee I had to add extra layers to stay warm while I listened to the sea, the birds and a cow lowing somewhere inland. Later in the morning we had some drizzle but by the afternoon there was hardly a cloud in the sky.
This morning when I checked the list at the stables I saw that there were just two of us in the lesson. We were going to have to work hard. Instead of the owner teaching us we had Katie, one of the two teaching staff. I rode Margaret and Lesley rode a pony that was new to her. There was a bit of excitement when Margaret spooked after spotting a cat walking past the arena, silly horse. After some work in trot we went on to work on smooth transitions into canter as that's what I've been finding more difficult on Margaret. I'd got so used to Cadno responding the minute I gave him the lightest of aids that it was hard to change to giving really clear aids with my legs that aren't so strong as they used to be. 
After the lesson I did the usual round of supermarkets and town. Nothing of note to mention though I did have two conversations with people I know from my various activities. Town is full of students which is always nice to see.
The builder cancelled coming today as his wife is in hospital, that's a good enough reason, but should be coming tomorrow morning.
Speedy came home in the afternoon triumphantly carrying a dead young rat. He may be old but he's still a good ratter. I rewarded Speedy with a few Dreamies and the rat went over the cliff.

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