Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 24 October 2024

Follow the Lights.

LOTR fans will get the reference.
I didn't wake until the alarm went off at 7.00 this morning but that was still early enough for me to spend some time outside. That was after I'd cleaned off all the render dust off the chair (yesterday I'd needed to take a kitchen chair out as everything was wet.) Then I was able to relax in the calming pinkness of the morning sky. But then the location of those lights still puzzled me. 
After breakfast I drove down to the Post Office to send off the parcel and as it was such a nice morning I decided to go for a walk along the sea wall and maybe locate those lights.

Could they be a continuation of the street lights at the far end of the village? But no, those lights stopped at the golf course while the mystery lights were further along.

But then I saw some poles running along the railway line and thought I'd solved the puzzle. However later when I looked more closely at the photo I could see that those poles were only topped by glass reflectors. Another look at the photo showed more poles, presumably running beside the river and these do look to have lights on the top. Is this the power supply running into the village and could the lights be hazard lights to warn (very) low flying aircraft or maybe the geese? I shall have to ask around and maybe one day I'll find out the answer.

Anyway I had a lovely long walk, first along the seawall path and when that ended I went down on the beach.
On the way back I came across my boot prints in the wet sand so of course I had to have a bit of fun by carefully making a print in the opposite direction by each one. With very few people out on the beach they will probably be washed away before anyone can be puzzled by their strangeness but it amused me to make them.
Walking along the first section of seawall I came across our builders doing some rendering on the front of one of the houses a few doors up from the house that the Post Office is in. I made sure to stop and say hello. On my return it looked as if they were finishing up and I fully expected to see them here in the afternoon but no such luck. All the local builders are so busy I guess they have to juggle their jobs to keep everyone happy.
By the time our Welsh class started it had clouded over and became very chilly indeed but now the blue skies are back and it is warmer again though the wind is howling dramatically around the house. Disco aerobics to look forward too at 6.00 and then I can rest after quite a busy day.
My Welsh lesson got interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I stuck my head out of my study window and a delivery driver handed me what was obviously a new phone addressed to someone else in a different street. A good thing I looked at the address. 

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