Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 14 October 2024


Today has been sunny with just enough wind to make it worthwhile hanging the washing out on the line.
Since we were otherwise occupied yesterday we had our 'Sunday' breakfast this morning listening to The Archers Omnibus with croissants and fresh coffee. We also ended the day in Sunday mode eating in front of the tv and watching Strictly. 

In between we got on with more diy. Peter finished off putting up the battens in the alcove while I sanded and painted the shelves, filled in all the extra holes in the wall and painted a final coat on the battens. Not to mention all the clearing up, hoovering and wiping down. I also got two coats of the anti-mould paint on the wall of our wardrobe. Then because the wind keeps blowing over one of the still to be connected water butts I fitted the diverter to the down drain pipe. There are two other water butts waiting to be connected up but I thought it wasn't worth doing until the rendering and painting were done as it would be a bother to have to empty out the water butts before moving them away from the wall. Hence the delay even though I'd already bought the diverters. It wasn't as if I needed to look up how to fit the diverters as there are step by step instruction printed on each packet. The one I did today is by the garage wall and won't need moving. And later the ironing needed doing. A good day's work.
One bit of good fortune today was finding my missing gold sleeper in the oddest place ever. I always wipe inside the double seal round the washing machine door opening after every wash and then wedge it apart with a piece of wood so that it can air. This I did today and then had a look to check that it was all clean which was when I discovered the sleeper in there. I'd been quite sad to lose the sleeper as it was one of the pair with which my ears were pierced nearly 50 years ago.

Even though I set the dash cam to 2 minute clips they are still too to put on the blog. All I can offer is a screenshot of when we were heading south with Cadair Idris on the right. And of course that lovely snowy egret.

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