Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 26 October 2024

We Have a Palantir.

Whilst not really suitable for lighting the table the new lamp did look very pretty in the dark so we have decided to keep it. Nothing to do of course with the fact that it looks like a Palantir sitting there in the corner of the sitting room. 

We had a lot of sun today with enough wind to dry the washing out on the line though the temperature dropped quickly when the high clouds appeared. In the morning I picked the last few pounds of tomatoes before pulling up the tomato plants. I'm hoping that this year I'll get the opportunity to collect lots of seaweed to use as a top dressing over the winter.
The rest of the afternoon has been spent converting the first of the two tops I bought yesterday into something I can wear for disco aerobics. It takes a long time to work out just how much to cut away around the armholes when you have neither a dressmaker's dummy or a willing helper. (I didn't even ask. With Peter's arthritic fingers just as many pins would have gone into me as in the fabric.) Eventually I got there and have begun hand sewing bias binding around the armholes.

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